Two schools devoted to orphans in a country stricken with poverty.
The Vulnerable Children Foundation is committed to giving these beautiful children a free faith-based education, an extended family to encourage them, and now a food program so they can get the nutrition they need.
VCF is volunteer based – your donation goes directly to the kids.
The mission of The Edgar H. and Meta A. Hoenecke Vulnerable Children’s Foundation Inc. is to fund the construction and operation of schools owned and operated by congregations of the Lutheran Church of Central Africa (LCCA). The Foundation seeks to place vulnerable children of Zambia into a Christian educational setting while they are young to educate them for productive lives on earth and share with them the saving message of Jesus Christ for eternity.
Nourish their souls. Feed their bodies.
The teachers agree that since the start of the food program the students are more engaged in their studies. There is a measurable difference.
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Let none hear you idly saying, "There is nothing I can do." While the souls of men are dying, and the Master calls for you; Take the task He gives you gladly, let his work you answer be; Answer quickly when He calls you, Here am I, send me, send me!