Donor Trip

16 people from the upper Midwest traveled in June 2019 to Zambia to visit the schools and learn about the ministry of the Lutheran Church of Central Africa. In addition to spending time at the schools, a full day was spent on the Seminary grounds of the LCCA learning about the ministry there and hearing the beautiful singing of Zambian choirs. Bryan Guhr, from St. Paul Lutheran, Muskego, WI, was on the trip with his wife, Lynda. He notes: In June 2019 my wife and I traveled to Zambia among a group of 16 on the “Teach the Children Tour” sponsored by the VCF. What became immediately apparent was the joy displayed by our African brothers and sisters. It was heard and seen in their voices and faces. Attitudes of hardship or struggle were never evident. One such experience stands out. On Sunday, June 23rd, we attended church at one of the school locations, Kaunda Square. It was a small primitive church. My wife and I were seated in the back row and were soon joined by a local family. Sitting next to me was a young boy around 7. As Pastor Panitzke was reading from scripture we were following along in our Bibles. I could tell that the boy was straining to see what I was reading. I pointed to the words of scripture that were being read and he began to mouth the words in English. It occurred to me that this was the same interaction we have with our kids and grandkids and this child was experiencing the same thing halfway around the world in a different culture. The Christian education being provided to these children has impacted their lives as well as mine. We will continue to support the work of VCF and encourage others to do so as well.


Student Story from Pastor Kangongo


Thank You from Pastor Kangongo